Thursday, June 30, 2011

selena gomez and justin bieber 2011 june

images selena gomez 2011 june. and selena gomez and justin bieber 2011 june. Selena Gomez poses for
  • Selena Gomez poses for

  • shana04
    07-20 11:20 AM

    We cannot divert the funds already donated to the core IV funds at this moment(we are working on to see if this can be done). We are only collecting the pledge here to come up with the total.

    Hearfelt thanks for your contribution, but it cannot be added as part of this drive (atleast at this moment)

    Thanks !!!

    I would be happy either way that I have contributed to IV, but would be even more happy if the fund is used towards a great cause.


    wallpaper Selena Gomez poses for selena gomez and justin bieber 2011 june. 11 June 2011
  • 11 June 2011

  • WeShallOvercome
    11-21 12:34 PM
    Look at us. We fight and worry and waste our life for such petty things as a plastic card.
    Pray for your, your family's and friends' health..which is all what matters.

    Please go to India, atleast for some time and get a second opinion from good hospitals. And remember, Prayer is the most powerful healer.

    selena gomez and justin bieber 2011 june. Justin Bieber y Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber y Selena Gomez

  • ss_col
    07-19 11:55 PM
    Count me in for $100. Have contributed to IV before as well.

    2011 11 June 2011 selena gomez and justin bieber 2011 june. Tags | justin bieber, Selena
  • Tags | justin bieber, Selena

  • MeraNaamJoker
    08-21 11:02 AM
    Thanx to Libra, skidude, vkrishn, gkattalu, bindoke, andycool ....

    I feel much better. These are trying times for sure.

    Loads of work at the office, moving from one city to another and above all...this frustrating wait --- Its 2 much 2 handle. But I'm with u guyz...I think I shud just STFU N wait.


    This is an ultimate test from above on our patience.

    I waited for a very long 10+ yrs for my process to complete. Will you beleive that during the first 3 yrs of my application all the categories were current. The very next month when my labor got approved it went to retrogression. Before I got greened 2 weeks back, the dates became current for 3 times. I missed all 3 times. Last one was becuase of idiot lawyer (her firm is one of the largest immigration law firms in the entire country) sat on it and did not provide a required paper work.

    After that the wait got extended for another 3 more yrs. finally got it on early part of this month. With the same process I was laid off once. Ported the process out. Then second company tried to ditch me the process. Ran away from their with the process. Got really lucky. From 3rd company I was forced to take a package and leave. Got lucky there too to port the case for a record 3rd time. Filed AC21 with the 4th company. Later filed I 140 again (i don't know why. The lawyer of the cmpany insisted). Got that once also approved.
    Spend almost 38,000.00 dollars in all these various processes. After all these waited for almost another 2 yrs again and finally it arrived.....

    So each story is different. Each has got its own colors. I have worst situations than mine. Just hang in there buddy. Your turn is round the corner. It is on its way.


    selena gomez and justin bieber 2011 june. Selena Gomez says that Justin
  • Selena Gomez says that Justin

  • pappu
    03-12 07:40 AM
    Well, I am not annonymous and not ran away :). I read all the posts here and having a sense of "belonging". And the word "helpless" comes to mind.

    Thank you ALL for responding to my post.

    I also sent an email to my congress-women and lets see if go through.

    Thanks again to all of you out there.
    Thanks for responding.
    Pls consider adding your story in the thread
    Pls update your profile with your contact information and name so that we can get your plight published and make some impact via media. Thanks for being part of the struggle. This community understands your plight and we are also in the same boat. Lets use this energy to work on IV action items and enable a change in the broken immigration system.

    selena gomez and justin bieber 2011 june. tattoo Justin Bieber and
  • tattoo Justin Bieber and

  • sanhari
    08-13 10:44 AM
    I think one need to create database based on who came in what year and what is the priority data's . True there are people like me came in 2000 and still has priority date as Dec 2004, this is not my fault, this is forced by GC process tied with employer.
    The landing or start date of H1b/L1B + old priority date should be the real beneficiary of spillover in respective of EB.

    You can try, but I don't think arguing based on landing/start date will work, because that time the intent is not for immigration(I also have a 3 year delay on my GC filing, due to my company). But the priority date which is an official starting point for an intent to be an immigrant has a better chance for success. Thank you for your inputs.


    selena gomez and justin bieber 2011 june. Selena Gomez More Beauty Dress
  • Selena Gomez More Beauty Dress

  • snathan
    02-09 09:30 PM
    $ 799 so far....lets cross $1000 today.

    Come on guys......

    2010 Justin Bieber y Selena Gomez selena gomez and justin bieber 2011 june. selena gomez 2011 june. and
  • selena gomez 2011 june. and

  • BondJ
    09-18 08:23 AM
    Paper filed EAD for me and wife on Jul21..TSC RD -Jul22..CPO on Sep17.
    Good luck!


    selena gomez and justin bieber 2011 june. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • sankap
    07-10 12:19 PM

    What's a "bona fide" job? Where did you see that a job needs to be"bona fide?"

    Also, if you're self-employed, why can't you show that's a "legitimate" business? Who's asking for a business plan--and why should that be difficult to make if you're self-employed? Please, let's not *assume* things. We should base our opinions only on facts and evidence.

    Its not ability to pay issue? The main point is to show that job is real, and bonafine.

    May I ask, how do you plan to demonstate that job offered in self employment is same/similar to I-140 job and it is bonafide job offer?


    hair Tags | justin bieber, Selena selena gomez and justin bieber 2011 june. Selena Gomez - 2011 MuchMusic
  • Selena Gomez - 2011 MuchMusic

  • amitjoey
    05-23 01:06 PM
    Called Senator Leahy's office. The lady asked me to leave a message to the senator on the answering machine.

    Neelu, Please post your messages on the phone thread also, it will inspire everybody to start calling.


    selena gomez and justin bieber 2011 june. Monday June 27, 2011. SELENA Gomez won#39;t wear boyfriend Justin Bieber#39;s
  • Monday June 27, 2011. SELENA Gomez won#39;t wear boyfriend Justin Bieber#39;s

  • sunnysharma
    06-08 03:59 PM
    mine file reached there today.

    reddymjm , You can see your LIN/WAC # from your cleared check.

    hot Selena Gomez says that Justin selena gomez and justin bieber 2011 june. Thursday June 2, 2011. JUSTIN
  • Thursday June 2, 2011. JUSTIN

  • diptam
    06-22 01:41 PM
    Pay stubs talk about CURRENT employment , not FUTURE...

    >> "No, employment letter is absolutely required...", well, it is not.

    You are wrong. How are the pay stubs link to your future GC job. Employment Letter is listed right there on I-485 form as initial evidence.

    Do NOT confuse Current Employment Letter with Employment Letter for GC job

    Not a legal advice.
    Permanent Resident since May 2002


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  • 2011 selena gomez bikini

  • willigetgc?
    02-25 01:25 PM
    Donated $50 via paypal
    Your transaction ID for this payment is: 0AD43776BW681541E.

    Will be donating 20,000 Delta skymiles as well coz will not be able to make it to DC (though I wish I could)

    have you sent pm to vin13? please make the task easier for the volunteers and pledge support in the right threads...
    participation in the advocacy thread
    contribution in the contribution thread
    airmiles, carpool and hosting in the airmiles, carpool and hosting thread.

    If you have already done so, many thanks.

    tattoo tattoo Justin Bieber and selena gomez and justin bieber 2011 june. Justin Bieber Selema Gomez
  • Justin Bieber Selema Gomez

  • ssa
    07-28 12:47 AM
    It may not directly harm visa recapture or any other official IV campaigns - at least for now! But don't you think if EB3-I campaign to revert to the old way of handling the overflow succeeds at all their will be an immediate follow up, counter campaign to re-revert the decision by EB2s? I don't see an end to this fight and I don't see any winners in the long term.

    Again, I'm not saying you shouldn't run your campaign. You have every right to do so. But please accept this for what it is. It will cause a split in IV members and that can not be avoided.

    Yes, you quoted Visa bulletin which says DOS "may" not to adhere to country limits in distributing spill overs .

    is there anything that says that distribution further has to be done in a particular way ??

    I have not found any . Probably there is none otherwise DOS could not have gotten away with "vertical" and "Horizontal" flip flops.

    In that light every comment about EB*->EB? , failing smell tests are speculative at best.

    You are yet to respond to my question of why EB3-I and recapture lobbying efforts cannot proceed simultaneously and How EB3-I lobbying undermines recapture effort.


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  • selena gomez justin bieber

  • psk79
    09-05 08:49 AM
    Hey GUYS!! My checks got cashed today!!! All six of them!!! Don't have the receipts but got the SRCs from the back of the checks. Mine is NSC delivered Jul2, 1025AM J BARREETT..Finally very happy to get tehse. I hope everyone will ge tthem very soon...Thanks.

    :) My Checks got cashed today, I can see SRC receipt number on the back. More details in my signature.

    dresses Thursday June 2, 2011. JUSTIN selena gomez and justin bieber 2011 june. justin bieber gf selena gomez
  • justin bieber gf selena gomez

  • doshhar
    07-07 05:33 PM
    Can we finalize the date for rally? Is July 14th ok with everyone of you? We have one full week to work on spreading this to different groups.


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  • justin bieber selena gomez

  • Alabaman
    05-04 03:53 PM
    Please whats all these arguments about? MS from the states, BS + 10 years experience etc. Please we don't need all these. There are people that come to the states and dont even pay a dime in tuition instead they even get paid - in the form of research assistanships and scholarships.

    Whatever the case, it is not fair to come to the US work for a long period of time and then get thrown out (say after 6 years) like the H1B visa.

    What we need to concentrate our energy and efforts on is for congress to create a PATH for SELF SPONSORSHIP of GCs. For example, if u have lived LEGALLY in the US for 5 or more years, paid taxes and stayed out of troble then you should be able to apply for a green card. That gives you some hope that if I do such and such then one day I'd qualify for a green card. It also takes care of those that started counting as F1 then H1. It balances out everything.

    The way it is now, there is no hope. Everything is uncertain. We are living uncertain lives. If we get sacked, we dont even know what step to take next. It is so dipressing and furstrating. Thats exactly what it is tempoary workers living TEMPOARY LIVES. Some are just waiting until 6 years H1 B expires and then .... yes and then what?? They dont even know. As it is most employers are unwillingly to sponsor GC. Why go through all the troubles??

    Of course a lot of guys have gone ahea and gotten married just to get GC and which brings back the question... who is the system designed for? Those who struggle to abide by the law or those who take the short but fraudlent route. Your guess is as good as mine.

    So this is what we should be fighting for... a PATH in such a way that you can SELF SPONSOR and not frivolous arguements between ourselves..... Spread the word!

    girlfriend Justin Bieber Selema Gomez selena gomez and justin bieber 2011 june. Shirtless Justin Bieber and
  • Shirtless Justin Bieber and

  • shakunbansal
    09-20 08:53 PM
    Anybody with case filed on aug9th with NSC recieved any notice??

    hairstyles Monday June 27, 2011. SELENA Gomez won#39;t wear boyfriend Justin Bieber#39;s selena gomez and justin bieber 2011 june. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • mchatrvd
    09-11 04:26 PM
    The thing is that I feel bad for IV when people start screaming and yelling at them. IV is not responsible for passing these legislation. They don't even realize that if there was no IV, July fiasco would have resulted in lot of people not getting their 485 filed. So many people would have so far not been able to use AC21 and change jobs. They are just sitting and posting out their suggestions. IV needs members who can help them in their cause and strengthen the organization. They have no right to yell or scream despite not even contributing a single minute to the cause. I still believe that we better have couple of members who we know and can count to volunteer rather than a blog where people throw fancy suggestions and vent out. That is the reason for me being advocating for paid site. If not paid, then activate membership through state chapters. Have state leadership activate their membership based on their contribution for this blog. At least we know that they are contributing to the cause by money or time. I am seriously disgusted by seeing so many irrelevant postings on this site which has nothing to do with immigration and people spending hours blogging, rather than contributing couple of minutes with their state chapters.

    08-06 11:08 PM
    - Received 2 Yr EAD expiring July 2010
    - Current EAD expires in Sept 2008
    - 140 Still Pending
    - EB3-I, July 03 PD

    09-28 04:23 PM

    Both and spouse and I received my receipts for our I-485, I-140, EAD, AP 09/19/07. On 09/24/07 we received fingerprint notice and on 09/27/07 we received our EAD card. I am quite surprise by how fast it came. Here are my details :

    Priority Date: 10/15/04
    Type: EB3
    I-140/I-485: Concurrently filing at NSC. Receipt date 07/07/07
    Checks cashed: 09/10/07
    Receipts received: 09/19/07
    Fingerprint appt: 10/09/07


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