Tuesday, June 28, 2011

new york times building lobby

images The New York Times Building new york times building lobby. New+york+times+uilding+lobby Gundusts photostream new york night,
  • New+york+times+uilding+lobby Gundusts photostream new york night,

  • tnite
    07-02 12:11 PM
    Just called FedEx to find out why mine is not delivered yet. According to her, all USCIS packets remain at local FedEx facility. It seems FedEx will notify USCIS that there are packages to be picked up and they will be picked up by the USCIS agent (mail man??). It seems USCIS dont actually allow packets into their bldg. She says FedEX has no control on when the USCIS agent will come and pick up the package

    what was the delivery time?

    Mine was supposed to be delivered at 10.30 am via FEDEX but it was delivered to USCIS signed by the mail dept at 9.01 am.

    The bulletin was updated between 10.30 and 11 am.I assume USCIS notified all carrier to hold the docs until further notice.

    wallpaper New+york+times+uilding+lobby Gundusts photostream new york night, new york times building lobby. New York Times Building
  • New York Times Building

  • chanduv23
    09-14 10:59 AM
    Opening threads and then burying them deep like any other thread does not help us.

    Thousands of threads were opened like this and everyday we see new threads.

    I strongly recommend
    (1) Update your profile with true information
    (2) Pledge with honesty
    (3) Join a state chapter and make yourself visible and available to IV.

    We can go from there

    There is no other way to organize 70k or more people where everyone just open threads, discuss and then open new threads and discuss and ..... it goers on

    I say this from experience - there are people working day and night for IVs cause - with a lot of dedication - there are free riders and majority of people are sitting on fence - want to do something but not quite sure what/how /why and are lost opening these threads and discussing.

    Channelizing your frustration, your energies into positive energies will help us achieve our goals. So please decide if you want to move forward and do something about it - State chapters is the best route for contributing towards IV stuff

    new york times building lobby. new york times building lobby.
  • new york times building lobby.

  • chandarc
    07-21 10:24 AM
    chandarc July 12 2010 --------------- Automated email response

    First I like to thank you all those whose support me in this action of trying to eliminate the country and category based spillover usage. I see that there are lot of unrelated comments and discussions going on in this forum, let's not get ourself diverted and please focus on our mission to try to implement the usage of spill over visas based on priority date. There may be some unrelated comments still coming in, also some may discourage our actions, let's please ignore those, instead of responding (which just feeds them to write more).

    I like to know who all have already contacted their local Congressman/woman for this issue. so let's take a poll by adding your IV id to the following list,

    IV Id----------------Week of Contact-------------------Any update
    Sanhari --------------- July 12 2010 --------------- Automated email response

    Thanks again to all those who support this cause, let's continue to do our part and hope for the best for us to happen soon....

    2011 New York Times Building new york times building lobby. to the Times building you
  • to the Times building you

  • jsquare
    09-15 11:27 AM

    First of all, ask yourself the following points before continue reading.

    1. Do I need a Green card at ANY cost ( Any cost = Waiting for yrs, Not willing to risk any other options, afraid to raise issues, not pinpointing flaws )

    2. Willing to fight for justice.

    If you chose the option 1, please stop reading further and good luck.

    For the option 2, here we go.I am new to this web site and it seems there are approx 70k people here and lot more outside. Hugh enough to create miracles.

    Just to remind ourself who we are. We are Highly skilled LEGAL immigrants. It not only means we are skillful but it also means we pay every damn tax which is out there. We pay for welfare. We pay for unemployed. We pay for pensioners. List goes on. We pay fees for every application processed by USCIS ( Labor, I-140,I-485,I-765,I-131 etc etc ). We pay rent. We buy cars. We buy houses. In short, we are nothing but GOLD to this economy.

    However, this one department called USCIS is literally toying with us for yrs now as if we are slaves or we are obligated to them. We dont want anyone to do us any favour. We need justice.

    Friends - I have self respect and i wasn't born chanting Green Card. I AM going to face them, confront them, demand them to provide justice, if not I want them to REFUND every penny i have paid so far. If this "I AM" becomes "WE", half the battle won. TOGETHER WE STAND, VICTORY/JUSTICE FOR ALL. If you are still hesitant, you made a bad choice of choosing option 2. Please go back to option 1.


    I am in for Option 2


    new york times building lobby. New York Times Building, Lobby. New York City, NY // Renzo Piano
  • New York Times Building, Lobby. New York City, NY // Renzo Piano

  • desi3933
    06-26 03:06 PM
    "Until and after 1 year" - how does it save me - the word "until"

    please explain for me - Thanks Much ?

    Sounds like there is a way out.
    Could you please post whole sentence? Thanks.

    Not a legal advice.
    Green Card holder since May 2002

    desi3933 at gmail.com

    new york times building lobby. New York Times Building
  • New York Times Building

  • Munna Bhai
    08-14 08:52 AM

    i received approval for EAD today for myself and wife See sig for details.

    congrats, looks like things are moving


    new york times building lobby. New+york+times+uilding+lobby
  • New+york+times+uilding+lobby

  • hpandey
    07-20 05:07 PM
    IV could not even collect 20K in the Washington DC drive. I hardly saw EB3 folks contributing (based on my observation, I might be wrong so take it easy). If every EB3 person contributes 50USD, it will be enough to run a campaign. Action is the key, not posting in forums. Hope we get out of this EB2 vs EB3 and as focus on visa recapture.

    I am EB3 and I contributed to every IV campaign including the last DC advocacy. Just because all IV efforts end up helping only EB2 does not mean EB3 people do not contribute or participate in advocacy efforts. Its just that no one wants to hear about EB3 whether it be USCIS or anyone else. :mad:

    2010 new york times building lobby. new york times building lobby. The New York Times Building
  • The New York Times Building

  • venkybr
    08-27 01:33 PM
    Anyone who sent 485 application to NSC, 140 approved from NSC, got their receipts from TSC?


    new york times building lobby. New York Times Building, Lobby
  • New York Times Building, Lobby

  • sdrk
    07-20 05:37 AM
    I pledge $100

    hair to the Times building you new york times building lobby. New York Times Building
  • New York Times Building

  • pamposh
    09-15 11:48 AM
    I am happy to see some beginings here.. although we have had many many threads before for this kind of initiative but I see some difference here... Like some others said we need to draft an action plan from A to Z here (understood that it may not be exactly what we would be following over time but), we need some roadmap to follow to reach our target.

    I like the idea of collecting info about who is willing to contribute and I am all for it.
    btw, option 1 is not an option for me.



    new york times building lobby. New+york+times+uilding+lobby
  • New+york+times+uilding+lobby

  • apahilaj
    03-18 11:18 AM
    Any update on your FP. Im still waiting for mine. I dont know how many are like us.
    As you said my only concern is will it impact EAD renewal in any way?
    People, please throw in some comments who have not received their FP yet

    No FP yet. Got a response to my SR indicating that I will get the notice once the appointment is available at my local ASC.

    hot New York Times Building, Lobby. New York City, NY // Renzo Piano new york times building lobby. The New York Times Building
  • The New York Times Building

  • abhijitp
    07-06 08:50 PM
    - There is an event organized by a Chinese organization, this is 7th July in San Jose. Please see first post of this thread for details
    - Since it is such a short notice for 7th July event, who ever is interested from IV may join it. I will join to show support to the Chinese organization for our cause. You are welcome to join too.
    - IV will organize a similar event on 14th July. We will publish details about location/route/time soon.

    Hope this is clear.

    I will participate in the IV endorsed event on 14th/ 21st July. Thanks for clarifying!


    house New+york+times+uilding+lobby new york times building lobby. new york times building lobby.
  • new york times building lobby.

  • vicks_don
    04-21 09:50 AM
    Thanks. We are also looking for feedback from members who have already done this and any limitations and problems that they have faced. From employer point of view as well as your own point of view.

    Has anyone done this more than 1 times?

    How much % salary increase have you taken while changing jobs?
    How different was your job description and profile?

    What are the list of limitations that your own lawyers have given you that has limited you in your professional growth?

    The answers for this questions would really help. Any one who has done this ?


    tattoo New York Times Building new york times building lobby. SEVEN: in the lobby of Times
  • SEVEN: in the lobby of Times

  • coolcat
    06-12 11:13 AM
    No, I didn't get my receipt yet. I called my lawyer and she said that the checks haven't cleared yet. It's taking toooo long. I don't know what's going on. Anybody in the same situation?

    Filed on June 1st. Still waiting for receipt.


    pictures New+york+times+uilding+lobby new york times building lobby. New+york+times+uilding+lobby
  • New+york+times+uilding+lobby

  • arihant
    05-02 11:44 AM

    I read it the same way as you. The only difference I see here from provisions in CIR is that this seems to make a distinction between advanced degree holders from US vs outside. Looks like advanced degree holders from US do not have the 3 year restriction. This also seems to be consistent with section 203 where the employer would be allowed to start the GC process for US educated students while they are in OPT stage itself.

    dresses The New York Times Building new york times building lobby. New+york+times+uilding+lobby
  • New+york+times+uilding+lobby

  • new2gc
    02-08 10:55 AM
    Contributed $50

    Your transaction ID for this payment is: 47X32702CS107060Y.



    makeup New York Times Building, Lobby new york times building lobby. New+york+times+uilding+lobby
  • New+york+times+uilding+lobby

  • cal97
    11-07 05:54 PM
    I took an infopass appointment today. The IO sent an e-mail to NSC after taking details like DOB, address etc. for me and my wife.

    btw, FP for us has been scheduled. Looks like they have some kind of a queue for that but a notice has not been sent out.

    So that was it. Am going to wait it out patiently.

    I had taken an infopass appointment after filing an SR. All the IO said was I should call NSC. I don't think the IO's at the local USCIS office can issue FP notices.

    Shall try again sometime this week or next and update the same here. I am a NSC->CSC->NSC transferee.

    girlfriend SEVEN: in the lobby of Times new york times building lobby. New York Times Building, Lobby
  • New York Times Building, Lobby

  • reedandbamboo
    09-14 10:21 AM
    GC Status:

    I am seeing that reedandbamboo is considering for EB2 only. We have to include EB3 too for law-suit. I beleive that we will have more than 1000 people if we inlcude all categories.

    I will give 200$( 100$ for me and 100 $ for my wife)

    MY LETTER addresses the situation with the visa bulletin using EB2 as an EXAMPLE! I want them to scrutinise their visa bulletin setting technique for EVERYONE but I'm highlighting with a specific example.

    The lawsuit, in the event that the letter is ineffective (more likely than not.. but still worthwhile starting with) is for EVERYONE.

    hairstyles New+york+times+uilding+lobby new york times building lobby. New York Times Building
  • New York Times Building

  • will_v_ever_get_GC
    11-21 01:31 PM
    Dear Mehul...

    I wish and pray that God gives strength to you and your family in this difficult situation. And as fellow IV'ns have mentioned, Prayer and Faith in Life/Almighty can do wonders. By the attitude in your note, I do feel you have that ... and somehow I have a feeling things will be fine for you and your family.

    As suggested by many people, if possible, please do get a 2nd opinion from a renowned doctor in India. And do start Yoga/Pranayam. Meditation and proper breathing exercise have helped folks with very serious conditions and these are surely worth trying.

    And for your GC, I would second the suggestions of writing to senator and USCIS.

    Your family should be your reason to continue to have faith and NOT give up...

    Heartfelt wishes and prayers with you... Always !!!

    07-09 11:50 AM
    The text you quoted below only states that the AOS petition can only be approved if a visa number is available, no where does it say that AOS petition cannot be accepted if visa number is not available. we are not asking for AOS petition to be approved we are only asking that AOS petition be filed and accepted by USCIS.

    Read again -

    (3) an immigrant visa is immediately available to him at the time his application is filed
    it means that
    At the time of application (i.e. when I-485 is filed), an immigrant visa is immediately available to him

    Also read my other post

    Not a legal advice.

    02-09 11:28 PM
    Thanks a lot us_employee.

    Grand Total - $819

    Come on folks lets help IV, to get things done for US.

    IV is I/WE.

    Made $20.00 contribution just now through Paypal.
    Unique Transaction ID #7HY45972ES075991A

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