Monday, June 27, 2011

father and children cartoon

images Cartoon of a father and son. father and children cartoon. Cartoon Clipart
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  • ksiddaba
    07-10 07:52 AM
    An immigration voice member from DC area must do to the USCIS office to see what's happening to the flowers and take a few pictures while he/she is there.

    wallpaper Cartoon Clipart father and children cartoon. Big family cartoon
  • Big family cartoon

  • flthere
    07-21 04:00 PM
    Whoever the lawmaker was who came up with the idea of allocating leftover EB4, EB-5 to EB-1 ! What? the least wanted category giving away its quota to highly deserving EB-1 ? How low can their thinking go ?

    What ? the leftover EB-1 highly deserving visas given to slightly less deserving EB2 ? :)

    Is there a proposal with IV to seek rethinking abt this spillover process ?

    father and children cartoon. Whenever your children
  • Whenever your children

  • Dhundhun
    07-21 09:44 PM
    I'm confused!
    I am July 2nd filer from last year. I did receive a FP notice in Oct 2007 but couldn't go for it. I sent a letter asking for another date but TSC..So go figure!...

    Is e-filing costly? - NO
    Does paper based filing not trigger FP? - NO
    Is it slower? - NO

    2011 Big family cartoon father and children cartoon. Related topics: father, son,
  • Related topics: father, son,

  • surabhi
    09-24 11:39 AM
    I have no problem with porting, but the priority date should be starting from when they acquired required qualifications for the job.

    Example, if someone with B.S and 2 years experience had applied in EB3 in 2005 and tries to port now I think it is fair to have the ported PD not in 2005, but 2008 when the person acquired B.S + 5 years experience.

    This would automatically address all those folks who deserved to be in EB2 but couldnt either becuase lawyer screwed up or issues with sponsoring company.


    father and children cartoon. In this cartoon by Tim Sanders
  • In this cartoon by Tim Sanders

  • franklin
    07-10 03:42 AM
    nobody has talked about a rally in LA... maybe infront of the Federal building in Westwood... I can initiate if I have couple of more volunteers to help me. If we have this rally on July 28, we will have ample time to arrange for people, etc...

    I suggest you join the SoCal state chapter, they seem to be interested in doing something as well

    father and children cartoon. Mother or your Father?
  • Mother or your Father?

  • dtekkedil
    07-06 09:53 PM
    Lot of people are sending scornful messages along with their flowers. Please refrain from doing that. The message should be something along the lines given below -

    I understand your agency does all it can; Do the best job it can.
    I also hope you empathize with the frustrations of a legal immigrant.
    A small token of peaceful protest and hoping for the best.

    This is necessary in order to stick to our theme of Gandhigiri!


    father and children cartoon. Father And Children Cartoon.
  • Father And Children Cartoon.

  • maverick_joe
    05-12 12:37 PM
    are they talking abt EB3 I or ROW or both here?


    Demand for numbers, primarily by Citizenship and Immigration Services Offices for adjustment of status cases, is expected to bring the Employment Third preference category very close to the annual numerical limit in June. As a result, this category is likely to experience retrogressions or visa unavailability beginning in July. Such action would only be temporary, however, and a complete recovery of the cut-off dates would occur for October, the first month of the new fiscal year.

    June VB is out !

    2010 Whenever your children father and children cartoon. Cartoon of a father and son.
  • Cartoon of a father and son.

  • Waitnwait
    12-16 12:53 PM
    Very good recommendations.
    here's my list. would love to hear others.

    1. listen to music.
    e.g. kishore songs.
    sing !

    2. read a good book.
    e.g. Emerson essay on compensation.
    "For everything you have missed you have gained something else."
    i think it's a very powerful essay for life.

    3. go to the gym. workout. jog. lift weights. play a game.
    table tennis really helps.
    resolve to be your fittest.
    adversity must make us stronger, not weaker.

    4. travel internationally
    take a trip to some country you've never gone to before.
    observe people's olympic struggles.
    it's part of the human experience.

    5. learn a new skill
    something you've always wanted to do but did'nt get around to.
    public speaking, dancing, singing...your choice.
    take a class at a community college or a university.

    6. go to temple or church or mosque.
    make a deeper spiritual connection with God.
    let him lift some of your burden.
    i listened to Hari Om Sharan after many years and experienced a real sense of joy.

    7. spend time learning about US government.
    get to know more about how government works. why does house vote differently than the senate ?
    get to know the 100 senators and 435 house reps. especially how they stand on legal immigration.
    our friends on the other side of the fence have done us a favor by organizing this information
    just reverse the grades. consider approaching reps/senators with your situation.

    8. learn from IV efforts of previous years
    many skills were introduced which could have helped us. what can we learn from what failed ?
    e.g. comprehensive immigration bill 2006. it passed in the senate but stalled in the house.
    Gandhigiri did work this year. it was a major success story we should celebrate and learn from.

    9. accept and enjoy the present.
    accept the present moment. breathe.
    enjoy nature - the sun, the moon, the heavens, fresh air and water. make new associations and friends.
    experiencing these gifts of life is enough to keep one happy.

    10. write it out.
    record the feelings you are going through in writing.
    capture the details.
    what was your journey, your expectations, your highs and lows ?
    you may see your struggles in a different light 10 years from now.


    father and children cartoon. father and children.
  • father and children.

  • gc_rip
    11-18 03:25 PM
    Sent, and also requested friends to do so.


    hair Related topics: father, son, father and children cartoon. father and children.
  • father and children.

  • chi_shark
    07-10 12:01 PM
    same way you prove that in the case of I-140... by writing up letters exlaining job duties... and showing offer letter, pay stubs, company tax returns and/or quarterly tax receipts, client contracts... etc etc etc... again: what is your true point? why do you suspect that this is difficult?

    Its not ability to pay issue? The main point is to show that job is real, and bonafine.

    May I ask, how do you plan to demonstate that job offered in self employment is same/similar to I-140 job and it is bonafide job offer?



    father and children cartoon. father and children cartoon.
  • father and children cartoon.

  • paragpujara
    08-08 11:26 AM
    I am in the same boat. I got Notice welcoming new PR email on 8/5 and nothing after that.


    Actually i am in the same exact position as the OP and was wondering after approximately how many days, do we receive an approval notice sent email?

    I got Notice welcoming new PR email on 8/5 and nothing after that.

    Thanks and Good luck to all!

    hot In this cartoon by Tim Sanders father and children cartoon. Longing for Dad Children and
  • Longing for Dad Children and

  • h1bmajdoor
    07-08 05:01 PM
    That is why it loos like there is a law that limits the # of AOS applications submiited in addition to the GC #'s that can be allocated: two completely different concepts.

    AFAIK when you file the A number is allocated. That is the "visa number", and it comes from the country/EB quotas.

    once that is exhausted for a country/EB, you have to wait.

    it is not the CIS being mean. That is the way the Congress wrote the law. CIS is just enforcing it.


    house is a father and social father and children cartoon. father and children cartoon.
  • father and children cartoon.

  • xela
    09-27 08:57 AM
    So yes I have a masters and my old company forced me into EB3. If it would have been just that easy that there was 150000 new jobs out there where i could have gone and filed under EB2 I would have. But guess what for most of us it was/is not, especially now. I do not know anyhting about the so called top companies you mention or the Desi ones. I am no computer science major, and I am sure not all of us here are. So please before you make it sound like it is so simple cus it's America, live a few days in someone elses shoes first and then talk. I dont go around and say hey well why didnt you get born in another country... we all are in our own shoes, and understanding someone elses will broaden your horizon and make you less likely to judge people, so try it :-)

    This new comapny would have done EB2 if I would have started with them, however i am EB3 row june 2005 and I am hoping my date comes up soon because to be honest i dont have any more money to spend on it all after 10 years. I could buy a new car for what I already spent on it.

    Either way good luck everyone I hope we can all work in peace together instead against eachother!

    "Same logic applies to people who say "I was eligible to file for EB2, but my employer/lawyer forced me to file on EB3".
    It's the ignorance of process, if you are eligible for EB2 .. go join any other company.. it's America .. for God's sake.. "

    Agree.. Most of the Top companies file based on the skill set and Qualification and do file EB2 for people who satisfy that requirement. Its the Desi consulting companies who do all the crappy stuff on earth.

    Top companies file EB2 for M.S Degree holders and thats what the law says. If one employer does not file under EB2 even after you are eligible for it move to another one. If you have the correct skillset you should be able to find another job.

    tattoo Mother or your Father? father and children cartoon. Young Children cartoon 9
  • Young Children cartoon 9

  • FinalGC
    08-20 03:45 PM

    For all those who are waiting...I would suggest one more thing, if your file is not touched. My lawyer had sent an email to NSC on Aug 2. I believe that along with my SR might have done the trick.....Sheela Murthy was my lawyer....that too might have helped....Who know what works....but we can all try.....Hope all who are stuck, get their GC by end of this month.

    Take Care


    pictures Father And Children Cartoon. father and children cartoon. Father,dad Cartoon
  • Father,dad Cartoon

  • gondalguru
    07-02 09:01 AM
    On AILA site...

    "Just Posted -
    Follow-up to Update on July Visa Availability"

    Does anyone have quick access through their attorney to check what it says?
    That thing is there for quite some time now... like more than a day. nothin new about it. just search the forums and you will be able to see what it says.

    dresses Longing for Dad Children and father and children cartoon. Father#39;s Day is this Sunday,
  • Father#39;s Day is this Sunday,

  • gc_check
    06-08 01:42 PM are seems they are not processing anything today..

    Also i heard that on June 4 th approx 1100 485 apps was receipted. That makes it approx a total of 1800 for jun 1 and 4.

    What is the source of the updates/information you have posted.


    makeup father and children. father and children cartoon. is a father and social
  • is a father and social

  • GKBest
    10-13 03:39 PM
    I did not call them to get the RNs but I got the I-485 checks cashed for my wife and me.
    The checks for I-485 for my daughter and the checks for AP and EAD were not cashed though.
    But again, looks like, July 3rd 9:03 received by R. Williams, is no more a MIA case.
    By the way the receipt date is marked as Oct 10th. Service center is NSC.


    girlfriend Young Children cartoon 9 father and children cartoon. Cartoon of father and son in a
  • Cartoon of father and son in a

  • anzerraja
    07-19 08:06 PM
    Tikka && RAMUS where are you guys ? Help us with advertising this thread.

    I think Admin Can do it

    Making it sticky the post always shows up in the top

    hairstyles father and children cartoon. father and children cartoon. father and children.
  • father and children.

  • Macaca
    12-10 11:54 AM
    Hey proud emerican

    Last week someone with last name Powell (looked very proud to me) from state deptt was on situation room with Wolf Blitzer. Her office was in charge of increasing the enrollment of internartional students in your contry. She had reduced the time for processing F1 visa to a week. She even went to middle east. Get her deptt closed proudly. This will improve your educational system also.

    If you can not stop her, ask her to tell all students that F1 will not be converted to H1B or H1B will not be converted to green card.

    This will stop the problem at the root and you can enjoy your wealth proudly.

    Why don't posters on this forum move back to their home country and concentrate on making their home country great instead of slamming into someone else's country and just living off the wealth others have created?

    The bottom line is that a SKIL act is not needed. Hundreds of thousands of American programmers have lost their job to the third world, both in outsourcing and insourcing of third world programmers who work for cheaper wages. There is absolutely no need for more foreigners here and no need for more green cards. Temporary workers are just that - temporary. If you are on a temporary visa, work your time, make some money for your family and head home when your time is up. Don't cry that we don't provide enough green cards when you knew what kind of visa you were on.

    06-15 06:48 PM
    Folks, when you send/ask about details, it'd help if you could post your details like this (format borrowed from another post):

    Here are the details:
    Mailed to NSC on May 31st.
    Received at NSC on June 1st.
    Transferred to TSC (I-140 was Approved from TSC)
    Receipt Date - June 01
    Notice date - June 08

    suggestion to add one more piece of info which maybe useful..


    here is mine....

    Mailed to NSC on: Jun 1st.
    Mailed From State: CA
    Received at NSC on: ?
    Transferred to TSC on: ?
    140 approved from : CSC
    Receipt Date :?
    Notice date :?

    05-01 09:41 PM
    Even I got a lot of red dots on this post.

    Please give me some green now :)

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