Saturday, June 25, 2011

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  • ksrk
    12-10 04:36 PM
    Just EB1 through EB3 adds to 149579.
    Wonder how this tallies with numbers discussed especially during Aug and Sept. 2008...

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  • dpp
    07-27 03:02 PM
    I-485, 765 and 131 forms are for the applicant who wants to adjust status/ work/travel. So, applicant signature is required. Even though you fill G28, that is for authorizing the attorney in preparing and submitting the forms.

    I think no one otherthan the actual applicant can sign the forms. If attorney represent you, then he will sign in his part, thats it. But you need to sign your part anyway.

    Please ask your attorney why he did like that.

    Yeah, he did, but no form is signed by me. Moreover I have not given any authorization form.
    Is it OK.

    Please confirm.
    Thanks for the earlier reply.

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  • Alex
    05-30 10:13 PM
    i wish i would of noticed this battle earlyer, it would of been alot of fun.

    Soul has my vote.

    Good job everyone! :)

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  • Jaime
    07-20 12:36 PM
    From the website we can see that there are only 140000 GCs are given for employment. Also as per the current prediction on the same page shows that there will be 750000 new applications will be added in to system because of this recent events. Now follwing are some facts what I can see from these details:

    1. As only 140000 visas can be givens per year. USCIS OR DOS can not cross this limit.
    2. There is also per country limit. (I don't know what is the exact % for per country - think 10 -20 %)
    3. If you count 20 % then for India the figure per year is 28000.
    4 Now imagine how many years it will take to cover up the number like 750000.

    My analysis:
    -Based on these details you can predict that there is going to be more than 10 years to clear this thing. (except some new law passes).
    - Some may get GC after 10 years of filing A485.
    - For atleast 10 years PD remains Unavailable.

    What do you say on this?

    I agree but, I am certain that a law will get passed at some point to give us relief, especially given all the noise that we have made (and which we should continue to make). I just cannot imagine that they wouldn't pass any relief. And if the latter is the case, it will be slavery and hell on earth, right here in the Land of the Free.


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  • grupak
    11-26 04:42 PM
    To all IV members (and others), who have decided not to participate in the rally due to various reasons, I request you to give a very serious thought, and consideration, before reaching the final decision.

    WD, I will either participate in the rally if my schedule allows it (I teach) or contribute towards it.

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  • gc_wow
    09-30 05:56 PM
    I got Rfe to send pictures for Advance Parole, it is funny because already I have mailed them pictures, i dont know why they send me Rfe for that. AILA and immigration lawyers are leeches, ask any immigration lawyer they hate us to the core, yet this USCIS workers and immigration Lawyers choose to ignore that they are dependent on immigrants for their daily bread.


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  • LostInGCProcess
    05-19 04:05 PM
    You should have reported these issues within 12 months of your employement. Otherwise there is no use. All you can do is send a letter to the Wipro HR, stateing you are filing a formal complaint to the DOL and wirting to the congress man. Also tell them you are going to make sure this story highted everywhere in the Internet and media to damage WIPRO's name. I am sure they do not want to get a bad PR in this situation where everyone hates the Indian companies.

    The statue of limitation is, i believe, 2 years.

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  • leo2606
    09-24 03:42 PM
    My wife is on H1-B valid till May-2010 and she got EAD for 2 years as well.
    She is planning to take up permanent job at the client place she is currently working as a consultant.

    What is the best? tranfering the H1-B or using EAD. Does she need to invok e AC-21 in bothe the cases?


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  • SR2610
    04-12 04:18 PM
    There are some good and bad things.. If labor substitution is gone, less chances of fraud, most of backlogged labors go waste, which obviously reduces the retorgression. bad thing is 45 days rule, DOL itself cannot make out where the hell is the labor application, when they approved it and when they mailed it, how can they say that you need to apply for 140 with in 45 days :mad:


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  • PD_Dec2002
    07-13 05:40 PM
    Man, this is so funny, Somebody give me some good or atleast some bad reputation :D :D :D :D

    You can add to your own reputation by clicking the "balance" icon.



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  • Soul
    05-27 09:31 AM
    Grrrr :P

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  • ita
    11-19 11:03 AM
    Is is it ok if you receive just 2 AP papers?
    WHat is the difference between 2/ 3 AP papers?

    Thank you.


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  • nfinity
    03-17 10:55 PM
    Can someone who has added his/her spouse please provide with a list of documents required to file spouse i-485 after primary has been filed? Can we collect a list? There seem to be a lot of people in this situation.

    Here is what I think is required

    I-485 - Adjustment
    G-325A - Biographic Info
    I-134 - Affidavit of support
    I-765 - EAD
    I-131 - Advance Parole
    I-693 - Medical Exam

    What else is required? Please add to the list. Also, has anyone done this on their own?


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  • bluez25
    10-28 07:26 PM


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  • gcisadawg
    05-11 12:51 PM
    I have a long layover at New Delhi airport. I am reaching their at 8PM and my next flight in the morning at 7:30AM. Is there any accommodation facility within airport? Or Do i need to go to city? This is the first time, i am going through delhi airport. Any helpful comments are welcome. Thanks and appreciate your help.

    There are so called 'executive lounges' in Mumbai airport. There is a good possibility of having them in Delhi Airport also. Check while you are waiting. They have people all over hawking these services. They charge around 30 to 50 USD per person.

    I tried one in Mumbai airport. I paid the money, went to the shower and didnt find hotwater. When I checked they said "it is out of order"..So much for the executive lounge! I took my money back and came out!


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  • raju123
    06-26 12:25 PM
    NumberUSA reported following possible amendments. Nothing for EB !!!
    If this is the case, we should strongly oppose the bill.

    According to El Bolet�n, �the official Senate Democratic Hispanic Task Force newsletter,� the following proposals are now under consideration for possible consideration if cloture is invoked:

    Democratic Amendments

    * Dodd-Menendez S.A. 1199: would increase the annual cap on green cards for parents and extend the parent visitor visa.
    * Webb S.A. 1313: Community ties for [amnesty]
    * Baucus-Tester S.A. 1236: would strike all reference[s] to REAL ID.
    * Sanders-Grassley S.A. 1332 : prohibits companies that have announced mass lay-offs from receiving any new visas, unless these companies could prove that overall employment at their companies would not be reduced by these lay-offs.
    * Byrd-Gregg-Cochran S.A. 1344: adds a $500 fee to obtain [amnesty] and sets aside the revenues collected in order to fund border and interior enforcement.
    * Menendez-Obama-Feingold S.A. 1317: increases family points in merit system
    * Brown S.A. 1340: requires that before employers can be approved to employ Y-1 workers, they must have listed the specific job opportunity with the state employment service agency.
    * McCaskill S.A. 1468: increases ban on federal contracts, grants or cooperative agreements to employers who are repeat violators of hiring immigrants who are not authorized to work
    * Levin-Brownback S.A.1486: gives access to Iraqis to apply for refugee status under existing U.S. law.
    * Leahy S.A. 1386: protect scholars who have been persecuted in their home countries on account of their beliefs, scholarship, or identity.
    * Schumer: provides for tamper-proof biometric social security cards
    * Boxer S.A. 1198: reduces Y visa cap by number of Y workers who overstay

    Republican Amendments

    * Alexander S.A. 1161: requires DHS and the Department of State to notify a foreign embassy when one of their nationals has become a U.S. citizen
    * Bond S.A. 1255: prohibits green cards for [illegal aliens granted amnesty]
    * Coleman S.A. 1473: outlaws state and local policies that prevent public officials * including police and health and safety workers (except for emergency medical assistance)*from inquiring about the immigration status of those they serve if there is �probable cause� to believe the individual being questioned is undocumented.
    * Domenici S.A. 1335/1258: increases Federal judgeships
    * Ensign S.A. 1490: redetermines work history for current beneficiaries of social security depending on their citizenship status
    * Graham S.A. 1465: enforcement. Still being drafted.
    * Grassley-Baucus-Obama S.A. 1441: strikes and replaces Title III on employer enforcement
    * Hutchinson S.A. 1440: changes the �touchback� requirement from the time of applying for adjustment of status, as it currently stands in the Senate proposed bill, to the time of applying for the Z visa. Increases the number of individuals required to touchback
    * Thune S.A. 1174: prevents [illegal aliens] from [being granted amnesty] until all triggers have been met.
    * Chambliss S.A. 1318: Totalization agreements
    * Isakson S.A. 1282: Preemption/Home Depot
    * Graham: Criminal penalties/mandatory minimums for overstays


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  • go_guy123
    01-20 10:29 AM
    None of us here has little luck... We were close to CIR this year and now new math is in picture.. Two possibility for CIR in 2010...

    (1) Dems will not touch it.
    (2) GOP will not support it because people will think Dems passed it and that will help them to win midterm election.

    CIR was impossible all along. It was delusional to think such a political hot potato can pass.
    Not just my opinion ...but also that of IV board member: Greg Siskind.

    The good part is as democratic party losses seats....the CIR lobby weakens and piecemeal will have better chance.

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  • ramaonline
    12-23 08:37 PM
    For F1 visa u must prove non-immigrant intent - usually it is not possible to get f1 when u reach I485 stage.

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  • jambapamba
    07-20 07:53 AM
    If we submit tax returns then do CIS check those to see what exsumptions we have taken etc??? One of my friend by mistake took hope credits coupld yrs ago and is terrified that CIS may catch this if he sends the tax returns so he has been fighting with his attorney about not sending it!! both he and his wife are earning and no dependents. Any thoughts on the situation??

    I told him checking the tax returns is not CIS's function!! That is IRS.......he should relax. By the way, what happens if he approaches IRS saying it was an honest mistake and pays off the exsumption he took.

    What is wrong with taking Hope credits ??

    08-08 11:20 AM
    I think you can earn upto maximum 4 credits per year. so to get 40 credits you have to work for 10 years.

    10-12 04:16 PM
    schedule on 27th October

    R.D - 07/02
    N.D - 09/26

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