Wednesday, June 29, 2011

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  • pappu
    10-18 10:38 AM

    I think we all understand we are in this together. No doubt.

    A single post from CORE IV can make a huge difference to herd the cattle (including myself) here. For Instance, AILA letter asking for H1B and EB relief today.

    I had posted a modified version of their letter in our forum in which I had deleted asking for raise in H1 and retained only EB part. IF IV core thinks
    this is a good (or a bad ) idea and suggests what to do, our members will be energized.

    For my part, I have added my personal story, added the EB relief part of AILA letter and emailed two senators and one congressman in my state.

    Also, the same letters signed are ready in an envelope to be snail mailed.

    So, IV core, from time to time, when there is a campaign by AILA and other organizations which could help us, please suggest how you would like us to proceed.I am not trying to create more work for you, but as a member, I think it would benefit all of us.


    __________________________________________________ ___

    Your idea is good and I would encourage you to go ahead and send such letters to lawmakers. Any effort that is in line with IV's agenda and helps us in any way will be helpful to all of us. IV endorsed efforts are listed in action alerts page. If you choose to go and meet the lawmakers we have put together all information for this purpose

    as a policy we are only focussed on issues faced by high-skilled legal immigrants waiting in line for their greencards.

    When the session starts I am sure based on where the issues are going and after consultation with QGA and within core team there maybe some action alerts that involves contacting lawmakers.

    Your efforts sending letters to lawmakers will certainly help us in raising awareness and preparing groundwork for coming months.

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  • Sachin_Stock
    09-09 11:07 PM
    Eb3-I would move much slower then snail's pace.

    My PD is Jan 04, so I am not sure how many years would it take for my PD to be current. :(

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  • Kodi
    07-24 02:01 PM
    Was the FP for I-485?
    I am quite sure FP is not requested for paper based filing. FP for you is misleading.

    In the letter it mentioned I-485. I can't figure out what's going on. Its over 90 days since I filed everything and I thought usually you receive EAD within 90 days.

    I was happy as I thought I'll be receive EAD soon since I did FP. Oh Well. I'm currently on H4 and have been out of work since last Dec and its becoming very hard living on one salary.

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  • Googler
    07-07 08:19 PM
    On CNBC:

    BARTIROMO: Let me ask you a question on immigration. Lawyers are planning a class action suit right now over the State Department's offer of visas to highly skilled immigrants last month, even though the Department of Citizenship said there were no more visas available. What happened?

    Dr. RICE: Well, this was a case in which for--at a certain point in time, we'd not filled the entire quota for these special immigrant visas. And made an announcement of that. But when they were filled, we had to cut it off at that point. There's a ceiling that's set every year and when that ceiling was reached, then we couldn't issue the visas any longer. But we're prepared to talk to people about what happened here. If there were problems in communication then those should be looked at. But it's pretty simple. We operate under a particular ceiling, and when that ceiling is filled, then we have to--we have to live within it.

    BARTIROMO: And unfortunately, aren't these the exact type of people, very highly skilled, some physicians, that America wants to attract?

    Dr. RICE: Well, it goes back to the point that I--that I made. A lot of people want to come to the United States. People will skills want to come to the United States. I'm a very big believer in having those people come to the United States, because the truth of the matter is, we don't, ourselves, produce enough of that skilled labor. We need to work on the educational front to make sure that we are producing us the numbers of engineers and the numbers of software people and the numbers of physicians that we need.

    Dr. RICE: But we need immigration as well. The ceilings have been set. They are not ceilings that we set, they're set in the--they're set by statute, and I know that there are many who would like to see them raised, but that's a--that's a matter for the administration and Congress.

    ************************************************** ********

    Something to chew over -- this is a Secretary of State who won't even admit to major blunders in Iraq, she is not about to admit they screwed up on this.


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  • ramus
    07-07 09:33 PM
    Yes, if we work on our state chapter and get some idea how many members can join in DC then we can talk about it to core members and see what they think.

    IF something is planned, we can come to DC from Raleigh,NC.

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  • dvsnm
    07-08 11:53 AM
    Guys I am looking at this thread for the first time today and want to put some comments:

    1) 3 people were making hunger strike at SJSU over the last weekend for DREAM act and we come to know about it thru 1510 AM, KLIVE in Bay Area.

    2) Immigration Voice members are planning to make a rally in SJ and we need to read it in the forum of (only) their website.

    3) We are hungry about media coverage and want utmost attention of the congressmen about our issues.

    BUT, you know what we are missing?:

    1) No postings on the windows of those Bharat Bajars and Cash N Carrys and Kumuds. Can't the i-phone designers and router gurus make Ashas and Abhijeets invisible with some eye catching posters?

    2) No postings on those other popular websites like,, etc. Did they say no for this?

    3) No usage of the library notice boards.

    4) No usage of SMS. Isn't it much cheaper than making contributions to the IV repeatedly?

    I hope to see all these channels being utilized fully for July 14/21 march in Bay Area before we talk about CNNs and WPs.

    Once the streets of SJ are hit with 1000+ people, those NBCs and CNNs and SJMs will come to us rather than we going to them.

    As for myself, I am in whenever the event takes place and will try to bring at least 5 of my friends to the march.

    P.S.: This is not an effort to criticize anyone here but just an attempt to help the organizers in whatever way I can.


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  • texcan
    09-13 12:53 PM

    It will be a great help for everyone, if you all update
    case information in signature.
    Information helps get a perspective to others who are reading it,
    all info in one shot.

    Please Please Please update your signature and add it to posts.

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  • sprint2004
    09-07 11:06 AM
    Hello All,

    Talked to my lawyer today about the checks; they have been encashed for myself and my spouse on 9/4. My RN starts with SRC.

    My I-140 was approved from Texas and my AOS/485 was mailed on july 2nd and arrived on july 3rd to NSC.

    Just a curious question for those you have already received their RN#. When checking the case status it displays "I485 APPLICATION TO REGISTER PERMANENT RESIDENCE OR TO ADJUST STATUS "...will this message change when EAD has been approved and mailed?

    Thanks and good luck to all.


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  • lfadgyas
    09-10 12:19 AM
    Folks it has been long time I last wrote here � but this visa bulletin made me mad (sorry)
    So I went and downloaded all the ( data from 2000 till 2008. It looks like they recorded all the pre �perm cases as well. After this I exported all the stuff into mysql table and made some calculation on the labor certification data. Unfortunately cannot separate (e1,e2,e3 etc � some may want to try by country but �)
    Again this is PERM � labor certification!!1 - but has to do with GC I guess...

    Time frame 1999 Oct -2008 Oct:
    Sum of cases: 720486, like '%CERT%' = 554635 (certified), like '%Deni%'= 60043 (denials), (Non duplicate case numbers were = 715191 (i.e. 5295 duplicates only from the 720486) )
    There were ~100000 cases with some other �state� descriptions like Withdrawn = 13955, Received Regional Office = 69556 etc;
    Anyway, by grouped years it comes to (sum � certified + denials +etc):
    last action date with "null" entry ?? 34113
    between '1999-10-01' and '2000-10-01' 74048
    between '2000-10-01' and '2001-10-01' 82629
    between '2001-10-01' and '2002-10-01' 89524
    between '2002-10-01' and '2003-10-01' 95552
    between '2003-10-01' and '2004-10-01' 98866
    between '2004-10-01' and '2005-10-01' 6153
    between '2005-10-01' and '2006-10-01' 79939
    between '2006-10-01' and '2007-10-01' 98927
    between '2007-10-01' and '2008-10-01' 61997

    Guess work (nbr of labor certs are 10% less in each group � denials are not removed):
    Still wait - % how many of that group still waiting � (some can give a better guess??)
    Family x � one applicant will present 2.5 visa nbrs or so�.
    Group Labor cert family x still wait 140000<-as of today
    between '1999-10-01' and '2000-10-01' 74048 2.5 4% 7404.8 132595.2
    between '2000-10-01' and '2001-10-01' 82629 2.5 9% 18591.53 114003.675
    between '2001-10-01' and '2002-10-01' 89524 2.5 14% 31333.4 82670.275
    between '2002-10-01' and '2003-10-01' 95552 2.5 19% 45387.2 37283.075
    between '2003-10-01' and '2004-10-01' 98866 2.5 38% 93922.7 -56639.625
    between '2004-10-01' and '2005-10-01' 6153 2.5 45% 6922.125 -63561.75
    between '2005-10-01' and '2006-10-01' 79939 2.5 80% 159878 -223439.75
    between '2006-10-01' and '2007-10-01' 98927 2.5 90% 222585.8 -446025.5
    between '2007-10-01' and '2008-10-01' 61997 2.5 100% 154992.5 -601018

    Do your calculation if you want �:eek:

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  • softcrowd
    08-12 02:13 PM
    Congrats vdixit....Were there any LUDs on your I-485 or any other apps, before the approvals?


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  • mike_2000_la
    06-11 05:29 PM
    ND = 06/01 and RD = 06/06? how come ND is earlier than RD, when did you send in your application?

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  • anzerraja
    07-20 10:11 AM
    Yes, we are considering that option. Thanks for the suggestion !

    Also VMH_GC i see that you haven't entered the pledge amount in your original posting. Could you please re enter it, so we can keep track of it.

    Thanks for your help with the spreadsheet thing

    Small suggestion, Please extend this drive until monday, lot of people might contribute on weekend.


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  • waitnwatch
    08-18 02:53 PM
    Two things..........

    I'm sure you can put your point across without bandying about your expertise in the English language.

    your juvenile logic about the USCIS deciding how important your work is can be extended to how much you get paid too. How about demanding that you be paid equal to CEO's of fortune 100's!

    And finally you still want to live in the US

    Exactly... there is no such thing as LOW HANGING BALLS.... they shuld be fair to everyone... this is just a case of discrimination... first make all these useless categoreis... EB-1, eb2 blah blah..... i mean cummon who the fuck are they to decide how important my work is.... or under what category it falls... i thought the americans considered all work equal.. and respected everyone... well that was my impression before coming here... anyways.... so much fucking hipocrisy....

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  • Pineapple
    10-27 12:21 PM
    Just to clarify, it is just one person (The Ombudsman), not "folks". My previous comment was meant to illustrate the absurdity of such a suggestion.

    For those who did not get my reference to "Ed Anger" of the Weekly World News:

    Are folks on this thread suggesting we contact (communicate our plans to !!!) numbersusa? They are not going to listen to us, I can guarantee you that --- even if we tone down our demands! They might use our plans to develop a more effective strategy for themselves; they hate us from the bottom of their hearts. This is the most ridiculous and impractical thing I've heard in a while.


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  • gjoe
    10-08 02:33 PM
    What is wrong if people want USCIS to process EB based I485 strictly on PD as per the law. You may claim that is what they are doing, but it is not true all of us know that. This whole thing is working like the GC lottery with more complexity.
    I would say IV should make PD based processing as the top most priority in their agenda. This is the simplest thing that can be acheived. Asking USCIS to follow the rules is not as complex as lobbying for ending GC backlog.
    People coming up with points of legal stay and other things are just frustated with the system, they want something which is more predictable in the current process not just eliminating GC backlog due to visa numbers.
    Asking people to attend state chapters and asking people to contribute is ok, but trying to shutdown peoples thoughts just because they are not the same as someone elses in not right

    Excuse me for being a little blunt...but

    People really need to stand up and see what it takes to bring about change. People are loathe to drive 10 miles and attend a state chapter meeting, and you want to overhaul a system to the extent that you get credit for time/experience in US?

    I am not saying its a good or bad thing. What I am saying is, what you are asking for is a major overhaul. GC is driven by A PARTICULAR POSITION offered by A PARTICULAR EMPLOYER, where its proven that NO US CITIZEN WAS WILLING, QUALIFIED AND ABLE TO do the job. How can your previous job get you credit for such a position and petition driven GC process? If you want that, then system needs major change where GC is not drive by one particular job offer from one particular employer who sponsors you.

    So basically, you are looking for a RADICAL change in the system. Nothing wrong with dreaming, but kindly show some friggin activity and effort on your part before putting up new ideas on forums.

    Otherwise if you are sitting around and

    1. Offering new innovative ideas for GC reform on forum posts that lawmakers dont read.

    2. Never go to lawmaker meetings in DC or locally or attend any local meetups of IV.

    3. Cancel recurring contributions as soon as your EAD card shows up in your mailbox.

    Then please, keep your really creative and excellant ideas to yourself. Because Ted Kennedy is not going to change the system and give you credit for working here since 1999 or 1929 and reset your PD to 1999 or 1929 BASED ON YOUR BRILLIANT IDEAS on forum posts.

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  • anju
    12-19 02:29 PM
    On the same boat. Filed SR twice. No fp notice yet.


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  • naveenarjun
    08-24 11:07 PM
    Filed Aug 15 at NSC. I 1-40 approved at TSC..

    LUD Aug 5th

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  • herndon
    11-17 08:35 PM

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  • vikramy
    05-23 01:48 PM
    Sent Emails to all including 2 AZ senators

    03-06 05:22 PM
    Section 202 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) states that the per-country limit for preference immigrants is set at 7% of the total annual employment-based preference limits. This means a country with large population like India and a tiny country like Lichtenstein get same number of visa numbers. This system is designed to systematically discriminate people from India and China by preventing them from attaining employment visas. More research needs to be done whether this constitutes a violation of US Equal Employment Opportunity Law. We need to find out whether this constitutes discrimination by national origin. Below is is some relevant reading material:

    This link says employer cannot discriminate based on country of origin.
    USCIS/government is free to discriminate against country of origin.

    06-15 08:22 PM
    Mailed to TSC on: June 5th 2007
    Mailed From State: VA
    Received at TSC on: June 6th 2007
    140 approved from : TSC
    Receipt Date: June 11th 2007.

    Got the Case Number from check image. Still not received my Receipt Notice.

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