Thursday, June 30, 2011

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  • reddymjm
    05-02 03:54 PM
    will be in 2007 for sure.

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  • conchshell
    07-11 11:17 AM
    With a successful flower campaign to USCIS, we must draw our conclusions from this success, and use the outcome to make the San Jose rally a success.

    Please note that legal immigrants is a small handful set of people. Just a usual rally/demonstration will not make a dramatic impact. We have learned from the flower campaign that if we use innovative-peaceful ways of demonstrations, and manage Public Relations and Media well, we can be successful once again.

    Please think and try to come up with some ideas. I have come up with these four ideas:

    1. Project Martin Luther King Jr. as our hero in these rallies: Please understand that local Amrican people better understand about Martin Luther King Jr. andhis idealogy then M.K. Gandhi. My suggestion is that we should include large picture posters of Martin Luther King Jr. with a slogan "We legals too have a dream". We should also take Gandhi's posters. There is a possibility that all Black American organization may lend their support to us.

    2. An act that attracts media attention: Please remember the scene from Gandhi movie when protesters led by Gandhi peacefully burned their resident permits in South Africa. To do something similar and show our symbolic protest against USCIS, we can publically burn a Photocopy of our H1B approvals (I-797). Please note that we are not asking people to burn the original I-797 approval but a photocopy of the document. This will send a message that taking the great pain in obtaining these legal documents are not helping us getting a better treatment by USCIS. This act will perfectly portrey the pain of legal immigrants and once again will attract media and newsprint to keeps us in headlines. This should be part of our demonstrations.

    3. Waive American Flags: Please understand that recent media reports that only Indians are responsible for the flower campaign may hurt the campaign in the longer term. Please waive small American flags and show our solidarity with local Americans.

    4. Distrubute a flower with a pamphlet to the people passing by at the demonstration site. A well worded paper will be required that can project our problems to the people.

    Please share if you come up with innovative ideas to make these rallies a huge success.

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  • drona
    08-31 07:45 PM
    Have you looked at the status of the rally polls? Are you even aware that we are having a historic first rally for legal immigrants in Washington DC? Please people, get your heads out of the sand and participate in this rally to fix this broken system.

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  • kdprasad
    08-13 08:01 PM
    DId your checks get cashed and receipts issued.
    I heard from a friend,he got a receipt but checks not cashed yet.

    Same with me!!!


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  • Raju
    07-20 12:36 PM
    Wow ! Did Aman get his GreenCard???
    Great news for IV as it will enable him to be more aggressive now!

    Aman, open a consulting company( non-profit ;) ) and we'd be happy to invoke AC21 in 6 months :)

    Nice one:D :D

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  • New Music: Home by Big Sean

  • sunofeast_gc
    07-08 08:29 PM
    140K GCs were available on Oct 1 2005 and Oct 2006: categories were not current.
    < 40K GCs were available on June 12 2007: all categories were current.

    If there is a law to prevent acceptance of ALL AOS's on Oct 1 (when 140K GCs are available) then that law was violated on June 12 2007.

    If there is no law to prevent acceptance of AOS's on June 12 (when < 40K GCs were available) then all categories should have been current on Oct 1 2005 and Oct 1 2006.

    macaca, This is really good point


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  • grupak
    08-25 09:53 AM
    I don't mean to be rude but what do you propose? All I hear is if we ask for fixes "they" are going to come after us in some other way.

    Should EB immigrants just accept to wait in line for 10-15yrs without knowing if they will be approved in the end?

    I don't speak for IV but I gather IV doesn't condone abuse of the H1B program. We will be better off if the rules are imposed as they were intended.

    these are very complex issues, where a lot of people try to trivialize or minimize. I haven't visited the forums in a while but doesn't look like much has changed. Division betwen IT and non IT. Dvision between people working at "full time positions". division between eb2 and eb3; country quota, etc.

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  • Here#39;s the video for “I Do It”

  • TheOmbudsman
    06-20 11:15 AM
    It was expected that a pro illegal immigration leglistation would not pass this year. That is not my major concern. My concern is that if most pro amnesty/CIR incumbents get replaced coming November based on their immigration records, that will make passage of future pro immigration bills even harder. I believe that the fight to attach the illegal alien cause to the legal one may be around for a while. I am afraid that this cycle of defeats may be extended for few more rounds until a bill is passed or people give up from mixing legal and illegal cause. There is no sign yet that major lobbysts - AILA, etc - are giving up from the idea of attaching illegal and legal alien cause. By the way, according to, AILA drafted most of the McCain/Kennedy amnesty bill. Mind you.

    I heard Sen. King and others saying that the enforcement should be increased. Only 3-5 years later a bill should be discussed to see what to do with the illegal folks who are left here.

    Yes, someday it will pass. Is it going to be too late for me though ?

    Thanks for the update. Beginning from S. 1932 last year, we have been riding an extremely rough roller coaster. We are all sick of politics. I personally feel nothing much might be accomplished this year. A lot is at stake for politicians if they take any position. Thus dragging the issue and dealing with it next year seems to be their only option. It is a bad sign for lots of legal immigrants who have been anxiously waiting all this while. If at all anything can happen, it will only be due to initiative from the President. Or if President signs a emergency bill giving relief to outstanding, highly educated people who have been in line. This option maybe a daydream but will keep us optimistic until November this year. Sorry for sounding pessimistic.


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  • sam2006
    07-19 07:53 PM
    Try to make the Post Sticky

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  • vxb2004
    11-25 07:45 PM

    Yesterday I got the response for my SR opened on 10/16 for still not receiving FP notice yet. The letter says that the processing on my case has been delayed since the background check on my application is still open. Please contact after 6 months if you still haven't heard back from us. My assumptions are:

    1. Since they did not mention any where in the letter about biometrics, they are talking about my 485 petition and not my finger printing notice. Guess they misunderstood why I opened the SR with them. Does that make sense?

    2.Is it possible that I haven't received FP notice since my background check is still in progress? I thought that these were two independent process...

    Any suggestions would be appreciated!



    FP is definitely not connected to background check. I am sailing in the same boat. My application date was july 17th and notice day was Sep 10th. I opened a SR 45 days back with no response. NSC-TSC transfer case..:confused:


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  • kuhelica2000
    01-30 02:37 PM
    You are absolutely right. These frauds need to be stopped. Because of this fraud H1b quota is used up on the very first day and EB3 India has a backlog of seven years. If USCIS weed out all the frauds, I bet the wait for EB3 india will be no more than 3 years.

    You are already out of status as H1 accounts for continuous employment along with regular pay. H1 visa, job and pay go hand in hand. Any one component missing means you are out of status.

    There is no grace period. As the earlier member said, it is a gray area without any specific guidelines. I have seen people stay out of job (status) for 4 months and have used portability or consulate stamp upon getting a new job. It all depends on the IO.

    BTW, did you ever realize how unethical it is to use a consultant for acquiring a H1 visa without actually having a fulltime job? For last 7 years I am on H1 myself and have played by rules� I hate people who false represent the facts for immigration benefits.

    Because of people like you genuine candidates who have legitimate jobs are left out as you guys get lucky in the lottery even though you don�t have a regular fulltime job. My wife was forced to stay at home for almost 3 years because of people like you.. FYI she had a job offer (from a F500 Inc.) but people like you got lucky when it came to H1 lottery. Not just that but people like you give a bad name to legal immigrant community.

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  • buddyinsd
    08-31 04:21 PM
    note to admins: Please track down the ip address of this person. I'm gonna sue this person and i am dead serious. Please pm me with this person's ip address and i'll make sure i'll take action against him/her.

    all you freaking south indians can do is sit on your ass and code all day long .... As soon as you fellows open your mouth we all get how intelligent you guys are .... As for drawing the line between north and south - can we just seperate the telugu, kanada, tamil and malayalam people from the north and the rest of us northeners will be just fine :)


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  • amdn123
    01-24 05:45 PM
    I have changed employers on an H1B transfer. My previous employer had filed an I-485, I went through FP as well and it has been 180 days from the filing date. My new employer's lawyer had advised them that AC-21 need not be filed until visa numbers become current. Is that correct? What if I go to a consulate for H1B visa stamping and they ask me whether AC21 has been filed for the empployment visa? Please advise, I am quite confused.

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  • mattresscoil
    11-18 08:23 PM
    Hello group:

    Got this response from Ander Crenshaw - Member of Congress
    What does this mean? is he going to support or not? should I follow-up and ask anything else?
    Thank you for contacting me to express your concerns about immigration policy. I appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts with me on this matter.

    The basic law governing immigration and naturalization is contained in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) of 1952. The INA establishes a flexible level of permanent admissions. The Act provides for a permanent worldwide level of 675,000 immigrants each year. The worldwide level is flexible in that it may be exceeded in certain circumstances. The permanent immigrant level consists of the following components: (a) family-sponsored immigrants, including immediate relatives of U.S. citizens and family-sponsored preference immigrants; (b) employment-based preference immigrants; and (c) diversity immigrants, those immigrants with low admission levels who must have a high school education or its equivalent or a minimum of two years work experience in a profession requiring two years of training or experience. Additionally, the INA establishes per-country levels that are applicable to family-sponsored and employment-based preference immigrants only. The per-country level is not a "quota" set aside for individual countries. According to the State Department, the per-country level is not an entitlement but, rather, a barrier against monopolization of the immigration by one country in any given year.

    Legal immigration has had a positive impact on the United States and our economy. Most immigrants come to this country with a support system already in place (e.g., family-sponsored and employment-based immigrants). The majority of the other legal immigrants are permitted to remain in this country for humanitarian reasons. Studies have also shown that within several short years, most immigrants are net producers, rather than net consumers, in our economy. While there is certainly a legitimate debate regarding the appropriate level of immigration, most would agree that an immigration policy which promotes family unity and requires a certain degree of self-support is generally acceptable.

    However, there is a significant difference between legal and illegal immigration. Since my election to Congress in 2000, I have worked with my colleagues to ensure that our border is more secure and that we do not encourage people to come into our country illegally. Illegal aliens place a tremendous financial and social burden on our society, and we must work to stop this unfair practice.

    The best way to get illegal immigration under control is to secure our borders. Our porous borders have allowed more than ten million people to cross into our country with no oversight, no accountability, and no record. We simply have no idea who they are, where they came from, and most importantly - why they entered our country illegally. I believe we must increase the size of the Border Patrol to 18,000 agents, we must actively construct a double barrier wall and utilize technological innovations, such as unmanned aerial vehicles, to conduct surveillance operations along the remaining border.

    Once we have secured our borders, we must turn our attention to the more than 12 million illegal immigrants already residing here. There are varying proposals currently being debated here in Washington as to what is the most economically feasible approach to addressing this situation. I do not support amnesty for those individuals who have broken our laws and will work to deport those individuals who have become a financial and social burden on our society. I believe that we must establish an Employer Verification System that is easy to use and provides timely feedback to employers. Any employer that continues to knowingly employ illegal aliens should be assessed heavy fines and penalties.

    I look forward to debating this issue during the year to come and assure you that I will continue to support revisions to our current immigration policy that provide meaningful reform and offer maximum protection for our borders. Additionally, I will oppose any attempts to provide amnesty to the more than 12 million illegal immigrants currently living in this country.

    Again, I want to thank you for taking the time to contact me. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of any further assistance on this matter or if you would like additional information on this topic or other issues facing Congress, please visit my Web site at United States Congressman Ander Crenshaw - Florida's 4th District (

    Ander Crenshaw
    Member of Congress


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  • simple1
    05-01 01:31 PM
    Thanks vbkris77. That is what I am saying.
    There is no references in INA showing EB dependents must be counted in EB quota. period.

    INA doesn't talk about visa allocation for spouse and children in employment pref. So we need to atleast challenge CIS interpretation on this.

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  • GCEB2
    09-11 06:49 PM
    Hi GCEB2,

    Please share you Infopass experience after you are done with it today. My case is exactly same as yours.

    I had info pass appointment today in Newark they asked my
    Info pass appointment letter
    I-485 approval letter

    I told them it�s almost one a month, I didn�t get my card yet. Then they gave me a token number and when my turn came. I met the USCIS officer he wasn�t much help at all. he just gave me 551 stamp for 1yr and when I asked him about biometric he said last year I took in Oct-07 its good till next month and I don�t need it.

    I was expecting 551 stamp look like h1 visa stamp, but it�s just an ordinary stamp.

    After coming home I called USCIS asked them about the card. She told me that card was sent out for production today and I should get it within 1 week to 30 days. Because it was sent out today that�s the reason I didn�t get the email update

    Approved on 8-12-08


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  • Libra
    08-13 03:23 PM
    Your signature shows you got saved by IV efforts, so what is your effort to support IV? Please contribute for sept rally in DC. Thanks.

    I-140 approved from Texas.

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  • saisujatha123
    05-12 06:45 PM
    Some one tell where and how to send flowers?:confused:

    Please advice

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  • number30
    05-01 10:48 AM
    IV Core. Can something be done to highlight this issue in your conversation with authorities ?

    The problem with this argument is it separates the members of the Family. If the marriage is occurred prior to approval of green card spouse will fall in EB category. If the marriage date is after approval of the green card it will fall into Family quota. See those guys who got married after green card and trying to bring their spouses how much trouble they are having. Instead of focusing on that You can Focus on the issue of making one EB visa number per family in case EB immigrant. Now Each one of the Spouse are using one number. That will effectively double the available visa numbers.

    10-08 01:01 PM
    having been in the US since 2001, losing out my LC/PD to the dot-com bust and finally ending up with a PD of 2006, I second that. PD should be based on number of years of experience or years of stay in the US or amount of taxes paid till now or something like that.

    In any case what we WANT is very different from what we usually get from this immigration system and there are bigger more important battles for IV to fight. Look, if there is no retrogression PD almost does not matter!! THATS the right fix. END RETROGRESSION!

    Being a 2001 PD myself I fully sympathize with you for your trauma and support your notion that the Immigration System should give weightage to the number of years in the US, I do not support the notion of ending retrogression. Given that there are only a finite number of visa quotas, ending retrogression will make the GC a game of Inky-Pinky-Ponky. Either they give it to everyone (all the 800000 that applied) or they do FIFO based on date of entry in the US. If not, the present system of retrogression at least ensures that a person who came into the US in 2007 does not win the Inky-Pinki-Ponky game before a person like me in the queue since 2001. I agree that some extremely unfortunate people like you lose out, but it is still fairer than having no retrogression with the quota limitations in place, as that would be totally unfair.

    02-23 10:06 PM
    Your receipt number for this payment is: 0578-5089-3157-9050.

    I just donated $100 for the event.
    I will be participating in advocacy effort. I am coming from Richmond, VA and I can pick-up 3 more people from the area. I can also do carpool in DC during the events (Hotel - Captol Hill or Airport- Capitol Hill)


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  • guru76
    02-05 02:40 PM
    Contributed $50.

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  • 53885
    05-24 12:05 PM
    I sent emails to 10 more senators.

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  • gimmeacard
    09-09 08:58 PM
    How am I being a racist? I'm just pointing out the fact that North and South Indians belong to different races and USCIS should stop clubbing them together.

    Stop it, disgraceful statement, I am a North Indian and can state that the most help i have attained is from our brothers/sisters of South.

    attempting to divide india is something Brits used cuz of people like you.

    North or South India comes first

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  • akhilmahajan
    02-11 12:19 PM
    Thanks a lot nk2006 and kkarun.

    Grand Total - $1551

    Come on folks lets help IV, to get things done for US.

    IV is I/WE.

    GO IV GO. TOGETHER WE CAN.I'm going to send check for $50 today.


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  • diptam
    08-18 01:44 PM
    This is not freedom of speech what that guy said. He is raising very bad allegations (without any proof) against the very organization that we have tremendous respect and we all stand for.

    Once again this is my opinion to ban such fellows.

    Thanks !

    DO NOT post such baseless allegations.

    IV core is very much aware of the problems as we ourselves face them, and working within our limited means and time. If you are interested, join us and give your helping hand.

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  • ski_dude12
    08-26 03:33 PM
    Even my case was transferred from NSC to TSC. My I-485 receipt has receipt date as July 3 2007 but the notice date is September 7 2007. My A# is on the receipt but no PD.

    I'm seeing lots of folks being greened whose PD is after us. Is it possible that they have PD on their 485 (because I-140 concurrently filed) and so it was picked up by officer? I guess it's not.

    In response to infopass officer's request to expedite, I received letter from USCIS (within a week) . It shows my receipt# correct but shows filing date 10/10/2007. Actually, this is receipt date of case transfer to TSC from NSC.


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    02-24 03:30 PM

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  • ddeka
    08-11 11:05 PM
    I just got an email (not magic though) about EAD renewal approval. It was paper filed on 14th June. Not sure if it is for 2 yrs or 1 yr with my priority date current.;)


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  • gc28262
    06-28 01:04 PM
    Do a search on Dice with Citizen as the keyword. You will find lot of openings with Citizen and GC only requirement.

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  • gcspace
    10-17 08:30 AM
    My wife's 485/EAD/AP checks got cashed today. Biometric check not cashed yet. Although when I enter the receipt number in the USCIS website, couldn't find the case . :confused:

    All receipts number(from back of check) start with SRCxxxxxx, which means Texas i guess.

    All of us should be getting the receipts soon. Hang on.


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  • hebbar77
    09-09 09:16 PM
    Getting sick of this movement in dates.

    Illegal guy in US makes more money & without any hassle.

    Trying to stay legally hurts very much for the past 9 years.

    Atleast they should allow to pre-file I-485 so that atleast guys like me (when we missed july 2007 race) can just file and complete the verification process in I-485.

    Are you saying illegals are smart? Or smart poeple are here illegally?

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  • TeddyKoochu
    09-11 11:43 AM
    Dear friends we are all in this long and arduous journey together! So let�s channelize and focus our energies to achieve our goals & not scoring goals / points over each other. Iam new to this forum. I see this as an excellent place to get information and hear different points of view. I highly respect comments / suggestions from other members, I know this journey has taken a toll on everybody, however cheer up and never loose hope, each one of us will have our day, persistence and hard work always pays, merit must rule and may it overrule ! The silver lining is that several people got their GC�s this month so lets be happy for them, people are crossing the tunnel and seeing light, so will we one day.


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  • Macaca
    12-10 11:54 AM
    Hey proud emerican

    Last week someone with last name Powell (looked very proud to me) from state deptt was on situation room with Wolf Blitzer. Her office was in charge of increasing the enrollment of internartional students in your contry. She had reduced the time for processing F1 visa to a week. She even went to middle east. Get her deptt closed proudly. This will improve your educational system also.

    If you can not stop her, ask her to tell all students that F1 will not be converted to H1B or H1B will not be converted to green card.

    This will stop the problem at the root and you can enjoy your wealth proudly.

    Why don't posters on this forum move back to their home country and concentrate on making their home country great instead of slamming into someone else's country and just living off the wealth others have created?

    The bottom line is that a SKIL act is not needed. Hundreds of thousands of American programmers have lost their job to the third world, both in outsourcing and insourcing of third world programmers who work for cheaper wages. There is absolutely no need for more foreigners here and no need for more green cards. Temporary workers are just that - temporary. If you are on a temporary visa, work your time, make some money for your family and head home when your time is up. Don't cry that we don't provide enough green cards when you knew what kind of visa you were on.

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  • Pineapple
    10-26 11:55 AM
    Thanks for clarifying. At first glance, the points you propose seem eminently reasonable and cannot be disputed. However, the real issue here is not what we "should" but what we "can".

    Re contacting NumbersUSA and FAIRUS, do go ahead but I'm certain there is no chance of them holding hands with us and singing 'Kumbaya'. The discussions and postings on those sites look like they have been written up by "Ed Anger" of the World World News :D

    And re toning down immigration bills to our advantage, you have to recognize that the primary issue is not that a bill will be passed which will not be optimal - the issue is whether any bill will be passed at all.

    Hi Pineapple,

    That is my favorite fruit !

    Very simple.

    1. We should focus our resources and lobbying efforts to tone down immigration bills on our behalf. Spending our money to go there and put one more soul to say to Sen. Specter "vote for this bill" does not cut it.

    2. We should use our lobbying resources and connections to contact decision makers from NumberUSA, and other major organizations and communicate our plans. We should clearly adopt a position against any bill which supports amnesty and offer a sensible, reasonable and fair quantitative increase in Employment Visa numbers. An example of reasonable proposals would be temporary increase of visa numbers, elimination of visa lottery and reallocation of visa numbes to EB, visa number recapture.

    Thanks for asking.

    The Ombdusman


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  • n_2006
    06-15 10:16 AM
    Receipts only recieved by lawyer? Will benefeciary get any updates?

    Hey all,
    Got the receipt notice today...
    Application date 06/01
    RD 06/05
    Service Center - NSC
    My lawyers received the receipt number through mail. You guys should be getting is soon.

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  • EndlessWait
    03-25 03:14 PM
    Are we going to see the bulletin move to 2002,2003,2004,2005 ? in the next year .. wow its backed up 7 yrs..


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  • sukhyani
    12-15 11:24 AM
    contact the author


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  • GCStatus
    09-13 10:08 PM
    you got my support chief

    Welcome Aboard Warrior

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  • nixstor
    07-07 10:51 PM
    My vote goes for DC on 7/14. Many people like me might have already used their time off recently to get a medical exam and paperwork for I-485. I live in Baltimore area and simply cannot make it to DC on a weekday. If I lose my job I won't get a green card - as simple as that.

    If there are others in Baltimore area who would like to join the action please don't hesitate to contact me. We could car pool and get together to make signs. I'll also try to gather some friends, although it might be tough on a short notice - almost everyone is on vacation.

    I dont need to tell you how DC looks like on a weekend. None but visitors. Your boss must be really cruel to let you go for ever if you need to take half day off. Just joking :) Go ahead and create a poll with all possible options and then you can figure out what is the best option

    09-24 02:19 PM
    Equating labor substitution with porting is real silly. Labor substitution was clamped down, because of abuse, however it didn't mean that it was wrong by its very virtue. However the abuse lead to its closure.

    As for porting, I don't see any scope for abuse. Cuz the process is in such a way, that one has to refile labor, 140, and all the exact procedures similar any freshly new EB-2 candidate would. The only difference is that at the end, one has option to request his/her earlier date.

    And rightly so, because there's a difference between two Eb-2 filers. One who has not filed anything before, and one has filed "SOMETHING" before. That "something" holds the merit.

    rightly said... Here is a simple analogy... compare the porting scenario to someone who just joins a new company with 10 yrs experience and someone who has been with the same company for 10 years. If one of them has to be promoted, who will it be ? Or if the company is now going under, who will get fired first ?

    The fact that a person has been with a company for 10 yrs holds enough merit when the company decides who gets promoted or who gets fired. So my friend stand in line like everyone else based on your priority date. That is your place in the line as per law.

    07-10 09:52 PM
    Nice assumptions...but we need evidence. Do any USCIS documents say they would need proof of a *running* income? (After all, you don't have paystubs for a future job in same/similar occupation.) Since GC is for *future* job, why can't self-employment in same/similar occupation, under AC21 and with *projected* revenues, be enough? Do they ask for paystubs and proof of long-term commitments/contracts in EVL-RFE?

    Re wages, here's Yates memo verbiage:

    Question 5. Should service centers or district officers use a difference in the wage offered on the approved labor certification and initial I-140, and the new employment as basis for denial in adjustment portability cases?
    Answer: No. As noted above the relevant inquiry is if the new position is the same or similar occupational classification to the alien’s I-140 employment. A difference in the wage offered on the approved labor certification, initial I-140 and the new employment cannot be used as a basis of a denial. However, a substantial discrepancy between the previous and the new wage may be taken into consideration as a factor in determining if the new employment is “same or similar.”

    Pls note that with current recession/depression, the "prevailing wages" for same/similar occupations have gone down--drastically in some cases (esp. IT). Also, you could open/register your LLC (by spending $400) for your self-employment to sound more "legitimate"--but that's certainly not a requirement.

    USCIS may not buy if no income shown thro the bussiness. One may have a simple bussiness model. However, they should be in a position to show documentary evidence that they are making similar money as per 140, and importantly they are doing same kind of work when self employed, and they have a long term commitment/contract for their bussiness. Then only they may belief that you are doing legitimate bussiness thro self employment. Just writing EVL in a letter head will not serve the purpose.

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  • StarSun
    02-22 09:19 AM
    Feeling depressed does not help you, your family, your employer or your gc process.

    Get up and register for the advocacy event (!

    Do something positive about your GC process instead of sitting and saying that it will be years before you get the GC.

    What you do about your GC is in your hands. You can support, and actively seek to mitigate your GC problems.

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  • kris04
    09-05 10:34 AM
    Dear Friends,

    My GC was approved on Aug.19, 2008 and received my Physical card on Aug. 22, 2008 :):). I am wondering what to do with the I 94 , which I received after my last re-entry to USA in 2006 using AP. Any info.



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  • pamposh
    09-15 11:48 AM
    I am happy to see some beginings here.. although we have had many many threads before for this kind of initiative but I see some difference here... Like some others said we need to draft an action plan from A to Z here (understood that it may not be exactly what we would be following over time but), we need some roadmap to follow to reach our target.

    I like the idea of collecting info about who is willing to contribute and I am all for it.
    btw, option 1 is not an option for me.


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  • chunky
    09-28 10:28 AM
    Did you noticed any LUD before check cashing as you got receipt from california. I filed on July 20 and no news yet.


    I just want to share some goods news from side.

    All my checks got cashed today. I applied on July 23rd at NSC and got the receipt #'s from WAC.

    I hope who ever is waiting for RN's they will get soon.



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  • acecupid
    07-03 01:30 PM
    Admins this a great concept to protest, how about making this thread sticky. This protest can continue for weeks.

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  • desi3933
    07-10 02:31 PM
    H-1B is linked to LCA (Temp Job) ( Note: The link clearly says

    If all H-1B jobs are not permanent, then your definition that a "permanent job is for a term of indefinite or unlimited duration" fails. Please decide what you want to say.

    As per info on that page, it says clearly
    "The H-1B program allows an employer to temporarily employ a foreign worker in the U.S. on a nonimmigrant basis in a specialty occupation or as a fashion model of distinguished merit and ability"

    How can you say that any H-1B job is permanent? Now, you don't want to believe even the dol web page.

    I have always maintained that Permanent Job is a full-time work that has no fixed end date. H1B petition always have fixed end date.



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  • akhilmahajan
    02-11 03:18 PM
    Thanks a lot Hopeful1

    Grand Total - $1601

    Come on folks lets help IV, to get things done for US.

    IV is I/WE.


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  • PresidentO
    02-25 11:50 PM

    I could convince 3 of my colleagues who are READY RIGHT NOW to contribute $1000.00 each. I can do $500.00.
    But they asked me just one question. What is the action plan that IV is collecting these monies from prospective immigrants who are already in pain due to this economy and all that. I did tell them about July 07, flower campaign, but they are not willing to listen. They said they did not contribute at that time due to some reasons, but they now want to contribute big way. They have a much bigger friend's circle than mine who are also doing good from top schools who may contribute too. They may also register in IV soon.
    But their only question is "What is the action plan for FUTURE". Can you please help.
    I am confused myself with the same question, no offense. Like me, they wouldnt wait and wait forever for things to happen. We Strongly believe in any action towards goals. Trust me, we need lots of money, but the way they responded made me feel uncomfortable.

    Yeah! Its common sense dude! Lets keep the 50USD in pocket when one has job rather than contributing to a cause that might help keep the job or makes voice heard when a bad bill comes out.. Choice is yours and your friends. If you/your friends are expecting a GC because you paid 50$ towards this effort, I dont know what to tell. If you/your freinds are expecting to hold xyz accountable for every single penny of the donation, that is not the attitude that will bring US together.

    Ask your friends to understand the word lobbying and advocacy efforts. How much work it takes to hire a firm and get strategic advise? How much a firm that advises strategically and positions the issue strategically charges per hr? If an IT consultant is charged at the rate of 100-200USD by a big consulting company, Imagine how much would a consultant such as these people on the hill charge? I dont know but I wont be surprised if its north of 500USD an hr.

    With out IV, The only two things folks on the hill knew were illegal immigration and H1B visa. Now more than 75% offices know the EB issue inside out and have a position on it. This is an effort that needs to be continued until we get a solution.

    "What is the action plan for FUTURE"?

    Relief from Retrgoression. Continued advocacy efforts. is it that difficult to know? I dont know but it seemed obvious to me.


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  • pcs
    06-25 10:44 PM
    Look at this ad...

    This guy is a bigtime white racist... he does not mind only Canadian TN VISA guys but not the Mexicans...

    Equal opportunity Emp will call for either do not sponsor ANY VISA catagory for people present in US or NO VISA at all... BUT this guys is OK with VISA for Canadian but No Mexican.... forget about H1-B etc... OPT

    PROCESS ENGINEER / CHEMICAL ENGINEER - Petrochemical / Refining / Oil and Gas job in Martinez, CA: Engineering and Engineering careers - Yahoo HotJobs (

    I do not need any job but I am going to write to the VP of this company and demand explanation to prove why he be not considered a racist or at least a NON Equal Opportunity Employer

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  • ndbhatt
    01-29 08:48 PM

    I came to us on H4 in 2007 and the got my H1B in 2008. I am not getting a job on H1 yet so i want to know that till when the H1B be valid as I am not genarating any salery and my consultant is not running my pay roll ?

    And if the H1 goes dorment then what can be done next?

    Please consult immigration attorney.


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  • prince_waiting
    07-20 07:32 AM
    I pledge 200 USD; a small salutation to a great act.

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  • reddymjm
    02-17 12:29 PM
    you just completed your payment.

    Your transaction ID for this payment is: 5A429240D924xxxxxx.


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  • abq_gc
    08-18 01:11 PM
    why cant we just file a lawsuit ??? What's stopping us from doing that ?

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  • munnu77
    05-02 11:19 AM
    think it will mov in next bulletin


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  • solaris27
    10-08 06:47 PM
    only PD can solve problem

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  • gc_bulgaria
    09-20 01:20 PM

    I called them and reached an IO officer and told her that I see my checks are cashed and there is a receipt number behind the check but its illegible and can she confirm the numbers for me. She asked for DOB, address, full name etc. and then gave me the receipt numbers for EAD, AP and AOS.

    But if your checks are cashed then the receipt notice must be in the mail.:)


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  • vkrishn
    08-20 01:20 PM
    There are many who are in the same boat where cases are in transit or with an officer for quite some time. I wished USCIS processes the case in order of PD rather than in a random fashion. Also they need to do it at TSC and NSC.

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  • Kodi
    06-22 12:05 PM
    Why would filing I-485 change the whole financials for the company?

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  • camarasa
    07-09 06:06 PM
    Guys and gals when you email people and talk to people of the media etc please stress "LEGAL IMMIGRATION". I've been reading a few messages of late that open with "immigration" but only start talking about legal immigration a few paragraphs later. Please stress "LEGAL" everytime you mention the word "immigration". Thanks.

    09-03 04:19 PM
    I got the welcome notice in mail.
    I got the cards in the mail.

    I did not get the 'approval notice' yet(mailed on aug 22).
    Does it matter?


    Can you provide more details about you PD, RD, ND, category and did you see any soft LUDs before you received your cards in the mail?


    05-30 10:43 AM
    I think it will be smooth. Landing by road is easier than by air. You need to do the following as soon as you have landed. I recommend you land early in the morning as gov. offices are closed at noon:

    1. Locate an HR office and get your SIN number. This will take 30 min to an hour once you are there. You will need to show your Passport and COPR document as a proof.

    2. Locate the medical insurance office and obtain your medical insurance card.

    3. Go to the post office and obtain a PO box.

    4. Open a bank account. Use the PO box address as mailing addres.

    Good luck.


    Is it necessary to apply for SIN and Medical at this point since we are not settling in Canada for atleast few months?